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My Services

Amongst the Top 7 Personal Trainers of U.A.E.


With a sedentary lifestyle, the corporate professionals these days have been suffering from a variety of health issues like, lower back pains, neck pains, low energy levels, high stress levels etc.  These health issues can be fixed with minor changes in the lifestyle with proper guidance.




There is also a group of people in corporates who is exercising on a regular basis and follow a healthy eating plan on their own.  Most of the time, these people follow a plan which is not structured and picked up from the internet or from a friend.  An exercise and nutrition plan has to be personalized to be able to achieve maximum efficiency. We can help these people by consulting them and guiding them towards a personalized exercise and nutrition plans for optimum results.




We can offer fitness and nutrition consultancy by spending few hours in a month at your office and consulting the staff on 1:1 basis. The hours can be modified according the requirements.

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